Installation & requirements

Manual installation

Download the folder from Github. First, it is necessary to install the Julia from Next, the user need to copy the project folder in the chosen working directory.

  • Using REPL or the COMMAND LINE move to the working directory.
  • If you use the COMMAND LINE, to start a Julia session run the command:


  • To enter in the Pkg REPL type


  • Type the command

activate .

  • To activate the Kinbiont project, type


  • At the start of the code or notebook (where you are going to do analyses) you should write
using Kinbiont

Package installation

With any package manager run (example with Pkg.jl)


and then in your script use:

using Kinbiont

Requirements & Dependencies

  • Julia: (>1.10)
  • AbstractTrees: 0.4.5
  • BetaML: 0.12.0
  • CSV: 0.10.14
  • ChangePointDetection: 1.2.0
  • Combinatorics: 1.0.2
  • DataFrames: 1.6.1
  • DecisionTree: 0.12.4
  • DelimitedFiles: 1.9.1
  • DifferentialEquations: 7.13.0
  • Distributions: 0.25.109
  • Interpolations: 0.13.6
  • Lowess: 0.1.0
  • LsqFit: 0.15.0
  • MLJ: 0.20.6
  • MLJDecisionTreeInterface: 0.4.2
  • Missings: 1.2.0
  • NaNMath: 1.0.2
  • Optim: 1.9.4
  • Optimization: 3.26.3
  • OptimizationBBO: 0.3.0
  • OptimizationMultistartOptimization: 0.2.0
  • OrdinaryDiffEq: 6.85.0
  • Peaks: 0.5.2
  • Random: 1.10.0
  • SciMLBase: 2.42.0
  • SpecialFunctions: 2.4.0
  • Statistics: 1.10.0
  • StatsBase: 0.34.3
  • SymbolicRegression: 0.22.2
  • SymbolicUtils: 1.6.0
  • Tables: 1.11.1
  • Zygote: 0.6.70