Examples and Tutorial

This section provides some copy-and-paste examples of Kinbiont.jl

To run all these example you need to call the following packages:

using Kinbiont
using CSV
using Plots
using Distributions
using Optimization
using OptimizationNLopt
using Tables
using SymbolicRegression
using DataFrames
using Statistics
using DelimitedFiles
using Random
using DecisionTree
using AbstractTrees
using MLJDecisionTreeInterface
using TreeRecipe

Simulating/Loading single kinetics data

Loading data from a .csv

It is possible to load single curves using CSV package in Julia and format them to be compatible with Kinbiont. In this example we suppose that the .csv file is formatted as required in Kinbiont documentation.

df_data  =CSV.file("your_path/data_examples/plate_data.csv")
names_of_cols = propertynames(df_data)  

data_OD = Matrix(hcat(df_data[names_of_cols[1]],df_data[names_of_cols[2]]))

Simulating Data with ODEs

To simulate data using Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), first we declare the model and the parameters of the simulation :

model = "triple_piecewise_adjusted_logistic"
n_start = [0.1]
tstart = 0.0
tmax = 500.0
delta_t = 15.0

param_of_ode = [0.06, 1.0, 200, 0.5, 0.001, 450, -0.0002]

Them we call the Kinbiont.jl API:

sim = Kinbiont.ODE_sim(model, n_start, tstart, tmax, delta_t, param_of_ode)

# Plotting scatterplot of data 
Plots.scatter(sim, xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Data " nothing], color=:blue, size=(300, 300))

We add uniform noise to the data

#adding uniform random noise
noise_unifom = rand(Uniform(-0.05,0.05),length(sim.t))

data_t = reduce(hcat,sim.t)
data_o = reduce(hcat,sim.u)
data_OD = vcat(data_t,data_o)
data_OD[2,:] = data_OD[2,:] .+ noise_unifom
# ploting scatterplot of data with noise

Plots.scatter!(data_OD[1,:],data_OD[2,:], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Data " nothing],color=:red,markersize =2 ,size = (300,300))

Simulating Data with stochastic simulations

To simulate data using stochastic models:

sim = Kinbiont.stochastic_sim("Monod", #string of the model
   1, # number of starting cells
   10000.1, # starting # molecules (in "biomass units") of the limiting nutrients
    0.0, # start time of the sim
    2000.0, # final time of the sim
    0.1, # delta t for poisson approx
    10.1, # monod constant
    0.06, # massimum possible growth rate
   10.0, # lag time
    0.0000001,# nutrient consumed per division (conc)
    1000.0 #volume
Plots.plot(sim[3],sim[1], xlabel="Time",ylabel="# of indivuals")
Plots.plot(sim[3],sim[2], xlabel="Time",ylabel="nutrients/volume")

data_OD = Matrix(transpose(hcat(sim[3],sim[1])))

Data Preprocessing

We start applying a rolling average smoothing to the data. In the example, a rolling window of size 7 is applied to the original data (data_OD generated in the previous examples).

data_ODsmooth = Kinbiont.smoothing_data(data_OD, 7)
data_ODsmooth = Matrix(data_ODsmooth)

# Plotting scatterplot of smoothed data
Plots.scatter(data_ODsmooth[1, :], data_ODsmooth[2, :], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Smoothed data " nothing], markersize=2, color=:blue, size=(300, 300))

Furthermore, to address potential external influences, a correction for multiple scattering is applied to the smoothed data. This correction is executed through the correction_OD_multiple_scattering function, requiring an external file (calibration_curve.csv). it is optional in the provided example.

data_ODsmooth = Kinbiont.correction_OD_multiple_scattering(data_ODsmooth, "/your_path/data_examples/cal_curve_examples.csv")
# Plotting scatterplot of preprocessed data
Plots.scatter(data_ODsmooth[1, :], data_ODsmooth[2, :], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Pre-processed data" nothing], markersize=2, color=:blue, size=(300, 300))

Fitting a single kinetics

When data are store in a Matrix of Float64 with 2 rows it is possible to perfor various analyses

Evaluation of the dynamics of specific growth rate

The user can evaluate of the specific growth rate during all the curve. This can be done by running the following:

pt_win = 7
specific_gr_array = Kinbiont.specific_gr_evaluation(data_OD,pt_win )
specific_gr_times = [
    (data_OD[1, r] + data_OD[1, 	(r+pt_smoopt_winthing_derivative)]) / 2 for
    r = 1:1:(eachindex(data_OD[2, :])[end].- pt_win)
Plots.scatter(specific_gr_times,specific_gr_array, xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Data " nothing],  color=:blue, size = (300,300))

Log-Lin fitting

To perform the log-linear fitting (of data generated in the previous examples) it is suffucient to run.

res_log_lin = Kinbiont.fitting_one_well_Log_Lin(
    data_OD, # dataset first row times second row OD
   "test", # name of the well
    "test log-lin fitting"; #label of the experiment
    type_of_smoothing="rolling_avg", # type of smoothing
    pt_avg=7, # number of the point for rolling avg not used in the other cases
    pt_smoothing_derivative=7, # number of poits to smooth the derivative
    pt_min_size_of_win=7, # minimum size of the exp windows in number of smooted points

The results are stored in the res_log_lin data struct.

Fitting ODE Models

Before fitting, the model, the initial guess of parameters for the optimization and upper and lower bounds for the ODE parameters are defined :

model ="aHPM"

p_guess = [0.01, 0.001, 1.00, 1]
ub_ahpm = p_guess.*4
lb_ahpm = p_guess./4

The actual fitting is accomplished through the fitting_one_well_ODE_constrained function. In this case wed do not use the lb and ub they will be generated automatically.

# Performing ODE fitting
 results_ODE_fit = Kinbiont.fitting_one_well_ODE_constrained(
Plots.scatter(data_OD[1,:],data_OD[2,:], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Data " nothing],color=:red,markersize =2 ,size = (300,300))
Plots.plot!(results_ODE_fit[4],results_ODE_fit[3], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["fit " nothing],color=:red,markersize =2 ,size = (300,300))

To add lower and upper bounds one should use the opt_params... keyword argument:

# Performing ODE fitting

results_ODE_fit = Kinbiont.fitting_one_well_ODE_constrained(
   lb = lb_ahpm,
   ub = ub_ahpm

Plots.scatter(data_OD[1,:],data_OD[2,:], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Data " nothing],color=:red,markersize =2 ,size = (300,300))
Plots.plot!(results_ODE_fit[4],results_ODE_fit[3], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["fit " nothing],color=:red,markersize =2 ,size = (300,300))

To change the optimization method one should call the desired library from Optimization.jl and use the keyword argument optimizer and if required by the selected optimizer it necessary to specify the differentiation methods, e.g.:

  • using Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm

results_ODE_fit = Kinbiont.fitting_one_well_ODE_constrained(
   lb = lb_ahpm,
   ub = ub_ahpm,
  • using PRAXIS algorithm, with Tik-Tak restart (from Benchmarking global optimizers, Arnoud et al 2019)

results_ODE_fit = Kinbiont.fitting_one_well_ODE_constrained(
   lb = lb_ahpm,
   ub = ub_ahpm,
       multistart = true,
  • Changing the number of iterations and absolute tolerance:

results_ODE_fit = Kinbiont.fitting_one_well_ODE_constrained(
   lb = lb_ahpm,
   ub = ub_ahpm,
   optimizer= BFGS(), 
   abstol = 0.0001,
   maxiters= 20000,

Custom ODE Fitting

Using the custom ODE fitting, users can fit any ordinary differential equation. First it is necessary to define the differential equation. This is done by declaring a new function, e.g.:

# Custom ODE function
function ODE_custom(du, u, param, t)
    du[1] = u[1] * (1 - u[1]) * param[2] + param[1] * u[1]

Now, we set upper and lower bounds of the parameters of the ODE:

custom_ub = [1.2, 1.1]
custom_lb = [0.0001, 0.00000001]

Finally, we perform the fit:

# Performing custom ODE fitting
results_ODE_fit = Kinbiont.fitting_one_well_custom_ODE(
    data_OD, # dataset first row times second row OD
   "test", # name of the well
    "test custom ode", #label of the experiment
   ODE_custom, #  model to use
    1; # number  in the system

ODE Sensitivity Analysis

The sensitivity analysis is performed with the one_well_morris_sensitivity function. This function takes a preprocessed time series (data_OD), the name and label of the well, the ODE model to use ("aHPM" in this case), as well as the lower and upper bounds for the ODE parameters. The number of steps in the Morris method (n_step_sensitivity) should be specified.

# Number of steps for Morris sensitivity analysis
n_step_sensitivity = 5
p_guess = [0.01, 0.001, 1.00, 1]
ub_ahpm = p_guess.*5
lb_ahpm = p_guess./5
# Performing Morris sensitivity analysis
@time sensitivity_test = Kinbiont.one_well_morris_sensitivity(
    N_step_morris=n_step_sensitivity ;

ODE Model Selection

The user can use the model selection function to use AIC (or AICc) to identify the best model to fit a specific kinetics. We start defining the list of the models and the upper and lower bounds of the parameters:

# Models candidates and their parameter bounds
list_of_models = ["aHPM",   "baranyi_roberts"]
ub_1 =[ 0.1 , 0.1 , 0.1 , 5.001    ]
lb_1 =[ 0.0001 , 0.001,0.0  , 0.001 ]
p1_guess = lb_1 .+ (ub_1.-lb_1)./2

ub_2 =[ 1.2 , 5.1 , 500.0  ,5.0,5.0  ]
lb_2 =[ 0.0001 , 0.1, 0.00 ,0.2,0.2 ]
p2_guess = lb_2 .+ (ub_2.-lb_2)./2

The model selection process is runned with the ODE_Model_selection function.

results_ms = Kinbiont.ODE_Model_selection(
    multistart = true,
    lb_param_array = list_lb,
    ub_param_array = list_ub  

Plots.scatter(data_OD[1,:],data_OD[2,:], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Data " nothing],color=:red,markersize =2 ,size = (300,300))
Plots.plot!(results_ms[4],results_ms[3], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["fit " nothing],color=:red,markersize =2 ,size = (300,300))

The results of the model selection process are stored in the results_ms variable.

ODE segmentation

For a single kinetics it is possible to run the segmentaion in two different ways. A manual selection of the change points or a using a change points detection algorithm to find them.

First of all we generate a synthetic daset composed by more than one model (skip this part if you import a real dataset in the data variable).

#First segment ODE

model = "logistic"
n_start =[0.1]
tstart =0.0

tmax = 0100.0
param_of_ode= [0.1,0.2]

sim_1 = Kinbiont.ODE_sim(model, #string of the model
    n_start, # starting condition
    tstart, # start time of the sim
    tmax, # final time of the sim
    delta_t, # delta t for poisson approx
    param_of_ode # parameters of the ODE model

sol_1 =reduce(vcat,sim_1)

# second segment ODE

model = "logistic"
n_start =[sol_1[end]]
tstart =100.0
tmax = 0200.0
param_of_ode= [0.2,0.5]

sim_2= Kinbiont.ODE_sim(model, #string of the model
    n_start, # starting condition
    tstart, # start time of the sim
    tmax, # final time of the sim
    delta_t, # delta t for poisson approx
    param_of_ode # parameters of the ODE model

sol_2 =reduce(vcat,sim_2)
# third segment ODE

model = "logistic"
n_start =[sol_2[end]]
tstart =200.0
tmax = 0300.0
param_of_ode= [0.1,0.9]

sim_3= Kinbiont.ODE_sim(model, #string of the model
    n_start, # starting condition
    tstart, # start time of the sim
    tmax, # final time of the sim
    delta_t, # delta t for poisson approx
    param_of_ode # parameters of the ODE model

sol_3 =reduce(vcat,sim_3)
times_sim =vcat(sim_1.t,sim_2.t)
times_sim =vcat(times_sim,sim_3.t)

# binding the simulatios
sol_sim =vcat(sol_1,sol_2)
sol_sim =vcat(sol_sim,sol_3)

Plots.scatter(times_sim,sol_sim, xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Data " nothing],  color=:blue, size = (300,300))

data_OD = Matrix(transpose(hcat(times_sim,sol_sim)))

# Adding uniform noise to the dataset
noise_uniform = rand(Uniform(-0.01, 0.01), length(sol_sim))
data_OD = Matrix(transpose(hcat(times_sim, sol_sim)))
data_OD[2, :] = data_OD[2, :] .+ noise_uniform

Then we generate the list of models that will be used and their parameters's lower/upper bounds:

# Initializing all the models for selection
ub_exp = [0.1]
lb_exp = [-0.01]
p1_guess = lb_exp .+(ub_exp.-lb_exp)/.2

ub_logistic = [0.9, 5.0]
lb_logistic = [0.0001, 0.001]
p2_guess = lb_logistic .+(ub_logistic.-lb_logistic)/.2

ub_hpm = [0.1, 20.0, 50.001]
lb_hpm = [0.0001, 0.000001, 0.001]
p3_guess = lb_hpm .+(ub_hpm.-lb_hpm)/.2

list_of_models = ["exponential",  "logistic","HPM"]
list_ub_param = [ub_exp,ub_logistic, ub_hpm]
list_lb_param = [lb_exp, lb_logistic,lb_hpm]
list_guess = [p1_guess, p2_guess, p3_guess]

First, we fit giving to Kinbiont the list of change points:

seg_fitting = Kinbiont.selection_ODE_fixed_intervals(
   data_OD, # dataset first row times second row OD
    "test", # name of the well
    "", #label of the experiment
    list_of_models, #  models to use
Plots.scatter(data_OD[1, :], data_OD[2, :], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Data " nothing], color=:blue, markersize=2, size=(300, 300))
Plots.plot!(seg_fitting[3], seg_fitting[4], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["fit " nothing], color=:red, markersize=2, size=(300, 300))

In alternative, if the change points are not known we can run a cpd algorithm and perfom the fitting with :

n_change_points =3
seg_fitting = Kinbiont.segmentation_ODE(
   data_OD, # dataset first row times second row OD
    "test", # name of the well
    "", #label of the experiment
    list_of_models, #  models to use

Fitting NL Models

With Kinbiont it is possible to fit any non-linear model this can be done by calling the function NL_model_selection in different ways.

First we declare upper and lower bound and the model (note that in this case we use array of array because the input can be more than one model)

nl_model = ["NL_Richards"]
p_guess = [[1.0,1.0,0.01,300.0]]
lb_nl =[[0.01,0.01,0.000001,00.01]]
ub_nl =p_guess.*3

To perform a single fit on a time series (i.e., data_OD) then we run the following:

nl_fit = Kinbiont.NL_model_selection(data_OD, # dataset first row times second row OD
nl_model, #  model to use

The user can specify any parameter of the optimizer, for the bound in this case it is done via:

nl_fit =  Kinbiont.NL_model_selection(data_OD, # dataset first row times second row OD
    nl_model, #  model to use
    lb_param_array =lb_nl,
    ub_param_array = ub_nl,

NL Sensitivity Analysis

As for the ODE model, also for the NL fit it is possible to perform a sensitivity analysis with respect to the initial starting guess of the parameters, in this case we just use method_of_fitting= "Morris_sensitivity" and nrep as the number of Morris steps

nl_fit =  Kinbiont.NL_model_selection(data_OD, # dataset first row times second row OD
nl_model, #  model to use
nrep =3,
method_of_fitting ="Morris_sensitivity",
multistart = true,
lb_param_array = lb_nl,
ub_param_array = ub_nl

Plots.scatter(data_OD[1,:],data_OD[2,:], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["Data " nothing],color=:red,markersize =2 ,size = (300,300))
Plots.plot!(nl_fit[4],nl_fit[3], xlabel="Time", ylabel="Arb. Units", label=["fit " nothing],color=:red,markersize =2 ,size = (300,300))

NL Model Selection

To perform model selection we just specify an array with the list of all the used models:

nl_ub_1 =  [2.0001 , 10.00000001, 500.00]
nl_lb_1 =  [0.0001 , 0.00000001, 0.00 ]
p1_guess = nl_lb_1 .+ (nl_ub_1.-nl_lb_1)./2

nl_ub_2 =  [2.0001 , 10.00000001, 5.00,5.0]
nl_lb_2 =  [0.0001 , 0.00000001, 0.00,0.0 ]
p2_guess = nl_lb_2 .+ (nl_ub_2.-nl_lb_2)./2

nl_ub_3 =  [2.0001 , 10.00000001]
nl_lb_3 =  [0.0001 , 0.00000001]
p3_guess = nl_lb_3 .+ (nl_ub_3.-nl_lb_3)./2

nl_ub_4 =  [2.0001 , 10.00000001, 500.00]
nl_lb_4 =  [0.0001 , 0.00000001, 0.00 ]
p4_guess = nl_lb_4 .+ (nl_ub_4.-nl_lb_4)./2

list_models_f = ["NL_Gompertz","NL_Bertalanffy","NL_exponential","NL_Gompertz"]
list_lb =[nl_lb_1,nl_lb_2,nl_lb_3,nl_lb_4]
list_ub = [nl_ub_1,nl_ub_2,nl_ub_3,nl_ub_4]
list_guess = [p1_guess,p2_guess,p3_guess,  p4_guess]

and the we perform the fit:

results_ms = Kinbiont.NL_model_selection(
    lb_param_array = list_lb,
    ub_param_array = list_ub  

NL segmentation

As the ODE case, for NL segmentation we can perform a segmente fit with manual selection of the change points or a using a change points detection algorithm to find them. Note that in the case of the NL fit, the fit of the segment goes backward and since it is not possible to specificy the bounduary condition of the fit the user can force the optimization problem to mantain the continuty between segment with the parameter penality_CI=8.0.

we specify the list of used models and parameters bounds:

ub_1 = [0.3 , 0.1]
lb_1 = [0.01 , -0.01]
p1_guess = lb_1 .+(ub_1.-lb_1)/.2

ub_2 = [1.9, 0.1,500.0]
lb_2 = [0.0001,0.001 ,0.001]
p2_guess = lb_2 .+(ub_2.-lb_2)/.2

ub_3 = [0.1, 1.1, 500.0]
lb_3 = [0.0001, 0.000001, 0.001]
p3_guess = lb_3 .+(ub_3.-lb_3)/.2

list_of_models_nl = ["NL_exponential",  "NL_logistic","NL_Gompertz"]
list_ub_param = [ub_1,ub_2, ub_3]
list_lb_param = [lb_1, lb_2,lb_3]
list_guess = [p1_guess, p2_guess, p3_guess]

As before we specify the intervals of the segment and we proceed to fit:

cdp_list = [100.0, 200.0]

seg_fitting = Kinbiont.selection_NL_fixed_interval(
   data_OD, # dataset first row times second row OD
    "test", # name of the well
    "", #label of the experiment
    list_of_models_nl, #  models to use
    pt_smooth_derivative = 3

Another option could be to run a cpd algorithm and perfom the fitting:

n_change_points = 2

seg_fitting = Kinbiont.segmentation_NL(
   data_OD, # dataset first row times second row OD
    "test", # name of the well
    "", #label of the experiment
    list_of_models_nl, #  models to use
    beta_smoothing_ms=2.0, #  parameter of the AIC penality

Fitting a .csv file

Instead fitting a single kinetics the user can supply a .csv file (formatted as described in the section), and Kinbiont will proceed to perform all the analysis on all the wells of the experiment. Note that the user can supply a annotation .csv in this case becomes possible to subtract the blanks and fit the average of replicates.

To use the following functions the user should input to Kinbiont variables that contains the string of the path to the .csv files:

path_to_data = "your_path/data_examples/plate_data.csv"
path_to_annotation ="your_path_to_annotation/annotation.csv"

In the following examples we assume that these two variables have a value. You can use the file in the folder data_exmples.

Log-Lin fitting

If the paths are provided to fit_one_file_Log_Lin, the user will obtain a matrix containing the results for each well:

fit_log_lin = Kinbiont.fit_one_file_Log_Lin(
    "test", #label of the experiment
    path_to_data; # path to the folder to analyze
    path_to_annotation=path_to_annotation,# path to the annotation of the wells

ODE fitting

We declare the model and the bounds of it:

model ="aHPM"
# Upper bounds of the parameters of the ODE
ub_ahpm = [1.2, 1.1, 2.0, 20]

# Lower bounds of the parameters of the ODE
lb_ahpm = [0.0001, 0.00000001, 0.00, 0]

We proceed fitting with the fit_file_ODE function:

model = "baranyi_richards"

lb_param = [0.001,0.1,0.0,0.01]
ub_param =[0.1,5.0 ,1000.0,5.01]
param_guess =[0.01,1.0 ,500.0,1.01]

fit_od = Kinbiont.fit_file_ODE(
    "test", #label of the experiment
    path_to_data, # path to the folder to analyze
    model, # string of the used model
    path_to_annotation=path_to_annotation,# path to the annotation of the wells
    lb = lb_param, 
    ub =ub_param,

To plot the results of such fitting one can do the following:

well_to_plot = 13

# plot data 
# plot fits 

It is also possible to perform the model selection on an entire file. First we declare the list of the models:

model_1 = "baranyi_richards"

lb_param_1 = [0.001,    0.1 , 0.0   , 0.01]
ub_param_1 = [0.1  ,    5.0 , 1000.0, 5.01]
param_guess_1 =[0.01,1.0 ,500.0,1.01]

model_2 = "aHPM"

lb_param_2 = [0.001,0.0001,0.01,0.01]
ub_param_2 =[0.1,0.1 ,2.0,5.01]
param_guess_2 =[0.01,0.01 ,1.0,1.01]

list_of_models = [model_1,  model_2]
list_ub_param = [ub_param_1,ub_param_2]
list_lb_param = [lb_param_1, lb_param_2]
list_guess = [param_guess_1, param_guess_2]

After, we run the function ODE_model_selection_file:

ms_file = Kinbiont.ODE_model_selection_file(
    "test", #label of the experiment
    path_to_data, # path to the folder to analyze
    list_of_models, #  model to use 
    lb_param_array=list_lb_param, # lower bound param
    ub_param_array=list_ub_param, # upper bound param
    path_to_annotation=path_to_annotation,# path to the annotation of the wells

Fitting NL Models

The user can fit any NL model by calling the function fit_NL_model_selection_file. As usual the user should declare the model and the bounds

We declare the model and the bounds:

nl_model = ["NL_Richards"]
p_guess = [[1.0,1.0,0.01,300.0]]
lb_nl =[[0.01,0.01,0.000001,00.01]]
ub_nl =p_guess.*50

and then fit:

fit_nl = Kinbiont.fit_NL_model_selection_file(
    "TEST", #label of the experiment
    path_to_data    , # path to the folder to analyze
    nl_model, #  model to use
    p_guess;# initial guess param
    lb_param_array =lb_nl, # lower bound param
    ub_param_array = ub_nl, # upper bound param
    path_to_annotation = path_to_annotation,# path to the annotation of the wells

The user can perform a NL model selection. To do that we should start declaring the list of models and upper/lower bounds:

nl_model = ["NL_Richards","NL_Bertalanffy"]
p_guess = [[1.0,1.0,0.01,300.0],[0.08,1.0,0.01,1.0]]
lb_nl =[[0.01,0.01,0.000001,00.01],[0.00,0.01,0.001,00.01]]
ub_nl =p_guess.*50

and the we can call the NL model selection function:

fit_nl = Kinbiont.fit_NL_model_selection_file(
    "TEST", #label of the experiment
    path_to_data, # path to the folder to analyze
    nl_model, #  model to use
    p_guess;# initial guess param
    lb_param_array =lb_nl, # lower bound param
    ub_param_array = ub_nl, # upper bound param
    path_to_annotation = path_to_annotation,# path to the annotation of the wells

ODE segmentation

It is possible to apply the ODE segmentation to the an entire .csv file. Note that in this case all the change points will be detectec using a off-line change point algorithm.

First we declare the models and upper/lower bounds:

model_1 = "baranyi_richards"

lb_param_1 = [0.001,    0.1 , 0.0   , 0.01]
ub_param_1 = [0.1  ,    5.0 , 1000.0, 5.01]
param_guess_1 =[0.01,1.0 ,500.0,1.01]

model_2 = "aHPM"

lb_param_2 = [0.001,0.0001,0.01,0.01]
ub_param_2 =[0.1,0.1 ,2.0,5.01]
param_guess_2 =[0.01,0.01 ,1.0,1.01]

list_of_models = [model_1,  model_2]
list_ub_param = [ub_param_1,ub_param_2]
list_lb_param = [lb_param_1, lb_param_2]
list_guess = [param_guess_1, param_guess_2]

Finally, we perform the fit using one changepoint:

n_change_points = 1
segmentation_file =  Kinbiont.segmentation_ODE_file(
    " ", #label of the experiment
    path_to_data, # path to the folder to analyze
    list_of_models, #  model to use 
    list_guess, #  param
    path_to_annotation=path_to_annotation,# path to the annotation of the wells
    win_size=7, # numebr of the point to generate intial condition
     maxiters =5,
    lb_param_array=list_lb_param, # lower bound param
    ub_param_array=list_ub_param, # upper bound param

NL segmentation

It is possible to apply the NL segmentation to the an entire .csv file. Note that in this case all the change points will be detectec using a off-line change point algorithm.

We start declaring models and upper/lower bounds:

nl_model = ["NL_Richards","NL_Bertalanffy"]
p_guess = [[1.0,1.0,0.01,300.0],[0.08,1.0,0.01,1.0]]
lb_nl =[[0.01,0.01,0.000001,00.01],[0.00,0.01,0.001,00.01]]
ub_nl =p_guess.*50
n_change_points =2

Then, we call the function to perform the fit:

n_change_points = 1
NL_segmentation = Kinbiont.fit_NL_segmentation_file(
    "test", #label of the experiment
    path_to_data, # path to the folder to analyze
    nl_model, #  model to use
    p_guess,# initial guess param
    lb_param_array=lb_nl, # lower bound param
    ub_param_array=ub_nl, # upper bound param
    path_to_annotation = path_to_annotation,# path to the annotation of the wells

Downstream ML anlyses

Symbolic regression

This example demonstrates how to use the Kinbiont and SymbolicRegression packages to analyze kinetics data.

Set up paths to your data, annotation, calibration curve, and result directories (see examples):

path_to_data = "your_path/data_examples/plate_data.csv"
path_to_annotation = "your_path/data_examples/annotation.csv"
path_to_calib = "your_path/data_examples/cal_curve_example.csv"
path_to_results = "your_path//seg_res/"

We fit the data with segmentation and 1 change point. First, we declare the models

model1 = "HPM_exp"
lb_param1 = [0.00001, 0.000001]
ub_param1 = [0.5, 1.5]
param_guess1 = [0.01, 0.01]

model2 = "logistic"
lb_param2 = [0.00001, 0.000001]
ub_param2 = [0.5, 2.5]
param_guess2 = [0.01, 1.01]

list_of_models = [model1, model2]
list_guess = [param_guess1, param_guess2]
list_lb = [lb_param1, lb_param2]
list_ub = [ub_param1, ub_param2]

n_change_points =1

We perform the fitting:

fit_file = Kinbiont.segmentation_ODE_file(
    "seg_exp_1", # Label of the experiment
    path_to_data, # Path to the folder to analyze
    list_of_models, # ODE models to use
    list_guess, # Parameter guesses
    path_to_annotation=path_to_annotation, # Path to the annotation of the wells
    multiple_scattering_correction=false, # If true, use calibration curve for data correction
    win_size=12, # Number of points to generate initial condition
    lb_param_array=list_lb, # Lower bounds for parameters
    ub_param_array=list_ub, # Upper bounds for parameters

We load the annotation and select results of a specific strain

annotation_test = CSV.File(path_to_annotation, header=false)
names_of_annotation = propertynames(annotation_test)
feature_matrix = hcat(annotation_test[:Column1], annotation_test[:Column3])

# Selecting strain S5
index_strain = findall(annotation_test[:Column2] .== "S5")
index_cc = findall(annotation_test[:Column3] .> 0.01)
to_keep = intersect(index_strain, index_cc)
feature_matrix = feature_matrix[to_keep, :]
wells_to_use = feature_matrix[:, 1]
index_res = Any

We give same order to the well to analyze and the features (can be skipped)

for i in wells_to_use
    if i == wells_to_use[1]
        index_res = findfirst(res_first_seg[:, 1:end] .== i)
        index_res = hcat(index_res, findfirst(res_first_seg[:, 1:end] .== i))

iii = [index_res[1, i][2] for i in eachindex(index_res[1, :])]
res_first_seg_ML = res_first_seg[:, iii]
res_first_seg_ML = hcat(res_first_seg[:, 1], res_first_seg_ML)

We add x = 0.0, y = 0.0 to data to take in consideration not growing wells:

feature_matrix =vcat(feature_matrix,["zero" 0.0])
res_first_seg_ML=hcat(res_first_seg_ML , reduce(vcat,["zero" ,"zero", "zero", 0.0 ,  0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0 ,0.0 ]))

We Declare the options of symbolic regression:

options = SymbolicRegression.Options(
    binary_operators=[+, /, *, -],

We run the symbolic regression using dependent variable that is the 7th row of the Kinbiont results (i.e., the growth rate)

gr_sy_reg = Kinbiont.downstream_symbolic_regression(res_first_seg_ML, feature_matrix, 7; options=options)

scatter(feature_matrix[:, 2], res_first_seg_ML[7, 2:end], xlabel="Amino Acid concentration μM", ylabel="Growth rate [1/Min]", label=["Data" nothing])
hline!(unique(gr_sy_reg[3][:, 1]), label=["Eq. 1" nothing], line=(3, :green, :dash))
plot!(unique(convert.(Float64, feature_matrix[gr_sy_reg[4], 2])), unique(gr_sy_reg[3][:, 2]), label=["Eq. 2" nothing], line=(3, :red))
plot!(unique(convert.(Float64, feature_matrix[gr_sy_reg[4], 2])), unique(gr_sy_reg[3][:, 3]), label=["Eq. 3" nothing], line=(3, :blue, :dashdot))
plot!(unique(convert.(Float64, feature_matrix[gr_sy_reg[4], 2])), unique(gr_sy_reg[3][:, 4]), label=["Eq. 4" nothing], line=(2, :black))
plot!(unique(convert.(Float64, feature_matrix[gr_sy_reg[4], 2])), unique(gr_sy_reg[3][:, 5]), label=["Eq. 5" nothing], line=(2, :black))

Decision Tree Regression Analysis

We read the data from CSV files:

Kinbiont_res_test = readdlm("your_path/data_examples/Results_for_ML.csv", ',')
annotation_test = readdlm("your_path/data_examples/annotation_for_ML.csv", ',')

We define some variables for analysis:

ordered_strain = annotation_test[:, end]
n_folds = 10
feature_names = unique(annotation_test[1, 2:end])[2:(end-1)]

depth = -1 

# Set random seed for reproducibility
seed = Random.seed!(1234)

We perform decision tree regression only on "N. soli" strain and we analyze the 9th row (i.e. growht rate) of the results:

index_strain = findall("N. soli".== ordered_strain)
feature_matrix = annotation_test[index_strain, 2:(end-1)]
Kinbiont_results = Kinbiont_res_test[:, index_strain]

dt_gr = Kinbiont.downstream_decision_tree_regression(Kinbiont_results,
        9;# row to learn

We plot the tree

# Wrap the decision tree model for visualization
wt = DecisionTree.wrap(dt_gr[1], (featurenames = feature_names,))

# Plot the decision tree
p2 = Plots.plot(wt, 0.9, 0.2; size = (900, 400), connect_labels = ["yes", "no"])